
Lavender and Honey ice cream and other ideas

I like this unusual ice cream and use it as  amuse bouche and love to watch the faces of my friends and family as they try and guess the flavour.

600 ml full milk
10 lavender heads
4 egg yolks
284ml double cream
180g honey

  • heat the milk untill it starts to bubble around the edges. add the lavender sprigs , and remove from the heat to infuse for 30 mins  or longer.
  • Whisk the egg yolks and honey into a bowl until thick. Strain the milk into a bowl and mix well 
  • Pour the mix back into the pan and over a gentle heat stir to make a smooth custard which coats the back of the wooden spoon. strain in a bowl and cool 
  • Whip the cream and fold it into the cool custard.  Put into the freezer and ever 30 mins give the bowl and whisk to break the ice crystals do this for 4 times till the ice cream freezes to an almost ice cream state and then place your mix into a box and leave to freeze overnight 

If you have lots of lavender you could always make a cushion and then pick a good big handful of lavender and dry this in the oven and stuff it inside the cushion to aid restful sleeping

Or maybe some make some cold press lavender soap the possibility's are endless


  1. Oh will have to give this a go - we've a garden full of lavender as you know :-) Alice x

    1. your have to let me know what you think as it is not for everyone i think it is a rather grown up Ice

  2. This sounds fab! Two of us are cows dairy intolerant in my house so I'll give it a go with goats milk & cream. Thanks for sharing :o)

    1. i love goats milk i think this could give it a really nice twist clever you

  3. Hello there, hoping to make this today. Just realised you haven't listed the honey quantity so was wondering how much you used? Many thanks :)

    1. whoops sorry this is about 180g of honey

  4. tee hee, no worries... I improvised and really enjoyed the results. Am going to write a blog post and will link back to here for the original inspiration if that's okay?

    1. Clever lady. I'm so silly to have forgot blame the baby distraction. Can't wait to see your post and thanks for the link back
